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Sviluppo di un approccio formativo innovativo interdisciplinare orientato alla realizzazione di policy istituzionali: percorso integrato di Coaching individuale e di Team, di Mentoring e Formazione d’aula

DOI 10.23753/htafocus2019.03.013

Francesca Cioffi, Marina Cerbo, Federico Spandonaro


Introduction The increasing of people affected by chronic diseases implies a significant commitment of resources to ensure continuity of long-term healthcare services. Italian Healthcare Authorities have adopted a National Chronicity Plan focusing on empowerment as the center of a pact of care between professionals and patients and caregivers to deal with global healthcare needs through multidisciplinary management, with the ambitious aim of changing the history of chronicity.

IPACS (Institutional & Public Coaching Services) has set as it’s own primary objective the development of the specific aspect of professional interdisciplinary role in the socio-health field, considered critical for implementing the policies on chronicity of the Ministry of Health.

Material and Methods IPACS has developed an experiential integrated training device (Mentoring + Individual Coaching + Team Coaching + Classroom Training + Art) lasting 6 months addressed to healthcare professionals, conducted by Institutional mentors and coaches with credentials of the International Coach Federation (ICF). The IPACS protocol utilizes validated questionnaires, observation sheets and other training tools/devices such as training pills and initial and final post-assessment feedback.

Results The use of a standard methodology for evaluation and observation in the integrated coaching protocol allows the measurement of training results and the validation of the relative impact on the achievement of the system objectives and plan of action. The data relating to a study protocol are entered in the IPACS Empowerment platform which measures and describes the evolution curve of the individual and the team's capabilities, as well as the effects on the organization, going to form the database for the Health Technology Assessment of training technology.

Conclusions The IPACS integrated coaching protocol, a process innovation tool capable of modifying the evolution curve of the individual and the reference team's capabilities, as well as the effects on the organization, offers useful technological innovation.


Key words: Competences, Coaching, Mentoring, Networking, Policymaking, Empowerment, Health Technology Assessment 

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