La gestione dei medicinali attraverso il sistema del Prontuario Terapeutico Aziendale.
Modello piemontese di collaborazione tra professionisti
DOI 10.23753/htafocus2014.01.003
Paolo Abrate, Giovanni Messori Ioli, Franco Ripa, Francesco Cattel
Drugs are highly technological products with a great impact on public health expenditure.
The selection of such a technology should so be regulated by standard procedures, even at a local point. The control of a system composed by drug formulary and the drug and therapeutics committee can represent the optimal leading tool in this scenario.
The regional section of two scientific societies representing hospital pharmacists and medical director – i.e. SIFO and ANMDO - therefore decided to start a cooperation with the final goal of providing a multidisciplinary standard procedure for the process of selection and surveillance of an appropriate use of drugs at a local level.
A multidisciplinary working group was then selected. The first activity was the revision of legislative sources and the literature review. We then analyzed the actual local situation through a questionnaire.
The group selected a methodological structure of the procedure, under the quality control system. An important goal of the procedure was its adaptability to various local settings (big hospitals, small ones, university structures, etc).
The procedure was redacted respecting national and regional legislation and it was particularly focused on the pharmacoeconomic appraisal, the periodical monitoring of the drug formulary and the capillary diffusion of information.
In conclusion, this cooperation model repre-sented a highly integrated multidisciplinary approach to a key point of appropriate drug use in hospitals, leading to the production of an adaptable tool.
Key words: drug, formulary, procedure, multidisciplinary, pharmacoeconomics