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PDTA di Rete Oncologica: modello organizzativo di percorsi assistenziali interaziendali nell’Area Torino Ovest

DOI 10.23753/htafocus2017.02.009

Arianna Vitale, Veronica Galis, Marika Giacometti, Silvio Falco


Introduction Continuity of care is essential for proper diagnosis and treatment of the patients with cancer. This path should take the shortest time, while respecting the evidence based medicine (regarding efficacy, good prescribing and safety) and guaranteeing a good quality of life.
To this objective, the Oncology Network of Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta has promoted a “global” therapeutic care pathways to be shared between hospitals, universities and local healthcare structures.
In West Turin Area, AO “Ordine Mauriziano” is indicated as Hub hospital and participated in the project by elaborating pathways of liver, pancreas, gynecologic and central nervous system cancer (diagnosis, therapy, care).
Materials and Methods From March to December 2016 five multidisciplinary and multiprofessional working groups analyzed all the previous paths, organized meetings, elaborated and discussed a draft to arrive at a shared document by the end of the year.
Results and Conclusions In December 2016 objective was reached. The oncological pathway was sent to all the healthcare facilities of the West Turin Area. In 2017 performance indicators are being developed to check the correct application of the pathway.

Key words: therapeutic care pathway, continuity of care, Oncology Network, sharing between healthcare facilities


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